Al 43-lea Congres Național de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie și Endoscopie Digestivă

Dragi colegi,
Al 32-lea Congres Național al Societății Române de Endocrinologie, organizat în inima Transilvaniei, la Cluj-Napoca, se anunță ca un eveniment deosebit.
Cluj-Napoca este un centru universitar cu tradiție și deschidere către idei și oameni, considerat, printre principalele orașe cu o ascensiune rapidă în diversitatea economică, datorită amestecului perfect de istorie, artă și inovație.
Programul științific se va desfășura pe parcursul a patru zile, cuprinzând sesiuni dedicate noilor descoperiri clinice si translationale în endocrinologie, cercetării științifice și prezentării de cazuri. Suntem onorați să vă invităm să participați și să ascultați lectori români de renume și invitați internaționali de prestigiu.
Congresul oferă o oportunitate excepțională de a interacționa cu profesioniști ce împărtășesc pasiuni și interese similare, facilitând stabilierea unor relații de comunicare și colaborare menite să persiste și după încheierea evenimentului. Participarea la congresul din acest an nu doar vă va ține la curent cu cele mai recente informații, ci și vă va oferi prilejul de a vă conecta la comunitatea de endocrinologi din România, într-un cadru caracterizat de colegialitate și prietenie.
Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen Georgescu
Președinte Societatea Română de Endocrinologie

Dragi colegi,
Al 32-lea Congres Național al Societății Române de Endocrinologie, organizat în inima Transilvaniei, la Cluj-Napoca, se anunță ca un eveniment deosebit.
Cluj-Napoca este un centru universitar cu tradiție și deschidere către idei și oameni, considerat, printre principalele orașe cu o ascensiune rapidă în diversitatea economică, datorită amestecului perfect de istorie, artă și inovație.
Programul științific se va desfășura pe parcursul a patru zile, cuprinzând sesiuni dedicate noilor descoperiri clinice în managementul afecțiunilor endocrine, cercetări științifice și prezentări de cazuri. Suntem onorați să vă invităm să participați și să ascultați lectori români de renume și invitați internaționali de prestigiu.
Congresul oferă o oportunitate excepțională de a interacționa cu profesioniști ce împărtășesc pasiuni și interese similare, facilitând stabilierea unor relații de comunicare și colaborare menite să persiste și după încheierea evenimentului. Participarea la congresul din acest an nu doar vă ține la curent cu cele mai recente informații, ci și vă oferă prilejul de a vă conecta la comunitatea de endocrinologi din România, într-un cadru caracterizat de colegialitate și prietenie.
Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen Georgescu
Președinte Societatea Română de Endocrinologie
Lectori internaționali

Professor Akinci received his M.D. degree from Ege University. He completed his residency and fellowship at Dokuz Eylul University. Throughout his career, he worked at Izmir Tepecik Training Hospital, University of Leeds, UT Southwestern, University of Michigan, and Dokuz Eylul University. He is currently affiliated with Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center. Dr. Akinci’s research focuses on the clinical characteristics and natural history of lipodystrophy, as well as its link to metabolic abnormalities and end-organ complications. Dr. Akinci is a board member of the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies and a member of the Eclip Lipodystrophy Registry Board.

Alberto M. Pereira (Uruguay, 23 nov 1966) is professor of medicine and head of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers. He was president of the European Neuroendocrine Association (2016-2018), and since 2017 he is the coordinator of the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN).
He is also PI of the Horizon2020 ERICA project, that aims to strengthen the ERN’s research and innovation capacity. His clinical and translational research focusses on the long-term effects of hypothalamic and pituitary diseases, and in specific on the effects of stress hormones on the brain. He is the recipient of the prestigious 2022 ESE Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award.

Marek Bolanowski was graduated in medicine in 1981 at the Medical Academy in Wrocław. He specialized in internal medicine and endocrinology, and finally became full professor of medicine and endocrinology. Since 2013 he has been the head of the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Isotope Therapy, Medical University in Wroclaw.
His main fields of interest include pituitary diseases, neuroendocrine tumors, osteoporosis and obesity. Marek Bolanowski was recipient of the Swedish Institute fellowship in Dept. of Endocrinology and Dept. of Orthopedics, Lunds University in Malmoe General Hospital and German Academic Exchange Agency (DAAD) fellowship in Institute of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine in Hamburg. He visited Medical Faculties of Universities in Yokohama, Santiago de Compostela, Berlin, Dresden, Munich and Utrecht.
He was the Secretary of the Executive Board of Polish Society of Endocrinology 2005-2016, is a member of the European Society of Endocrinology (member of the Nomination Committee 2016-2018, member of the Publishing and Communications Committee), European Neuroendocrine Association (member of Executive Committee 2010-2016), expert of European Commission in 2003-2007, represents Polish Society of Endocrinology in European Union of Medical Specialists (section Endocrinology, vice-president 2011-2017). He serves as a referee for many polish and international medical journals. He is Editor-n-Chief of Endocrine Views – ESE members magazine, and a member of editorial boards of: Frontiers in Endocrinology, Endocrine, Pituitary, Acta Endocrinologica (Buc), Endokrynologia Polska. Prof. Bolanowski is a Honorary Member of Romanian Society of Endocrinology.
He was the chair of the LOC of the 19th ESE Postgraduate Training Course in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism in Wroclaw, has been the chair of the POC of the 21st ESE Course in Lviv, co-chair of the LOC of 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014 in Wrocław, and the chair of LOC of 18th Congress of European Neuroendocrine Association 2018 in Wrocław.

Annamaria Colao - In the list of the 100 best Italian scientists (heading 23 in the general ranking, 1st place endocrinology, and, top 3 women) with a scientific activity characterized by the publication of more than 1000 specialized articles in international journals , First Teacher in the world ranking for pituitary diseases, such as acromegaly and Coordinator of numerous national and international research projects.
She began her internship in endocrinology at the Federico II Polyclinic in Naples, followed by a specialization in Endocrinology and Metabolism. For 3 years he was a researcher in the Endocrinology Laboratory at the Aix-Marsilia Experimental University, then pursuing his PhD studies , University Researcher and Associate Professor in Endocrinology With an impressive career and a remarkable presence in specialized societies, the last prize won is - 2020 „Geoffrey Harris Award 2020” as the best Neuroendocrinologist in Europe awarded by SEE – European Society of Endocrinology.
1. Titular Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, University„Federico II” of Naples, University Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgical Intervention.
2. Director of the Complex Unit of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, S University Pital „Federico II” from Naples.
3. UNESCO Chair for Education for Health and Sustainable Development „Federico II” University of Naples.
4. National Coordinator and University Hospital „Federico”.
5. The European Commission ENDO-ERN.
6. Coordinator at the University Hospital „Federico II” in Napoli European Centre of Excellence for Neuroendocrine Tumors set up by the European Society of Neuroendocrine Tumors.
7. Coordinator of the European and National Centre of Excellence for Obesity (I.B.O.) awarded by the European Association for Obesity Studies and the Italian Society for Obesity.
8. President of the Project Regional Endocrinology Network of Campania Region
9. Founder and scientific director of Campus Salute Onlus ( for disease prevention.
10. President and founder FORMS – Foundation for medical research.
11. President of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE) for two years 2021-2023.
Annamaria COLAO

Maria Fleseriu, M.D., FACE, has a longstanding clinical and research interest in the pathophysiology and treatment of pituitary and adrenal disorders and has been global principal investigator in many clinical trials on pituitary disorders, including Cushing’s, acromegaly and growth hormone deficiency. She has authored over 250 manuscripts in prestigious journals, including research on novel treatments, international guidelines and consensus papers for Cushing’s, acromegaly and hypopituitarism.
She is past president of the Pituitary Society, serves on its executive board of directors, chairs its Physician Education Committee and co-chaired consensus guidelines for Cushing’s for the Pituitary Society. She is the past chair of the Endocrine Society’s Guidelines Committee and its hypopituitarism task force. She has served on several other committees for the Endocrine Society, Pituitary Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology and European Society of Endocrinology.
Dr Fleseriu is a frequent plenary guest speaker at national and international meetings. She has received several national and international awards, including the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy and the Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award from the UK Society of Endocrinology.
Dr Fleseriu is Deputy Editor for European Journal of Endocrinology, Associate Editor for Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism and a member of many editorial boards, including Pituitary. She is passionate about teaching students, residents and fellows and is the Pituitary Fellowship Program Director at OHSU. She has been closely involved in leadership positions with educational programs sponsored by the Endocrine Society, the Pituitary Society, and patient advocacy groups to teach physicians and patients about pituitary tumors and neuroendocrine disorders.

Director, Neuroendocrine Tumor Unit, ENETS Center of Excellence, Division of Medicine, Hadassah Medical Organization and Faculty of Medicine, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
A specialist in endocrinology and internal medicine, Prof. Glasberg completed in 2008 a translational fellowship in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NENs) and Endocrine Oncology at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital & William Harvey Research Institute, London, UK, exploring the mechanisms by which somatostatin analogues regulate the growth of NENs, and their interaction with mTOR inhibitors. Established as one of the foremost experts in the diagnosis and management of NENs in Israel, Prof. Glasberg is actively involved in both, the care of patients as well as in the research in the field. Her research interest is translational including both clinical studies in NENs patients, as well as basic research assessing the mechanisms of NENs cell proliferation, development of drug resistance and ways to overcoming it, and evaluating new potential markers of heterogeneity in NENs. Prof. Glasberg is the co-chair of the ENETS Carcinoid Heart Disease taskforce and has been recently elected as a new member of ENETS EC. She served previously in ENETS Advisory Board, in the EC of the Israel Endocrine Society (IES), and in the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) EC as Co-Chair of the Rare Diseases Committee. She is a member of ESMO faculty, was recently appointed as the Endocrine-Related Cancer Focus Area Clinical Lead for ESE, and is an active member of ENETS' MEN1, theranostic, and basic & translational research group taskforces. Moreover, Simona is one of the leaders of ENETS' Women in NET (WIN) initiative.
Prof. Glasberg has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, is actively involved in the publication of ENETS guidelines, and presented at multiple national and international conferences on the topic of NENs. She is leading the annual national/international post-graduate course in NENs at Hadassah, the bi-annual Israeli Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Congress, being actively involved in the continuous education of new generations of NENs specialists at national and international level. She is also the Scientific Chair of the Middle East Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (MENETS), the Israeli NENs patient advocacy group. Prof. Glasberg is the recipient of the prestigious 2017 Lindner Prize of the IES, in recognition for her scientific achievements and contribution in the field of NENs. The NET Unit at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, under her leadership, has been accredited as an ENETS Center of Excellence, the only one in this field in Israel and the Middle East.

Márta Korbonits, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP is Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, is a graduate from the Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest. She was a Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Fellow working on ghrelin and the hormonal regulation of the metabolic enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase and her latest study in the field showed the beneficial effects of AMPK stimulator metformin on glucocorticoid treated patients. She also works on endocrine tumorigenesis, especially the genetic origin of pituitary adenomas and other endocrine tumour syndromes.
She studies both the clinical characterisation as well as molecular aspects of pituitary diseases and leads a large international consortium to study the genetic background of endocrine tumours.
She led the development of the first guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of paediatric pituitary adenomas. She published over 230 original papers (H-index 89 at Google Scholar). She shares her time between clinical patient care, clinical research and laboratory-based research as well as teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level and is Deputy Editor of Endocrine-Related Cancer. She is the Director of the HARP Clinical Doctoral Training Programme. She is an elected Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
She is recipient of several national and international awards, including the 2022 Rolf Gaillard prize of the European Society for Neuroendocrinology and the 2023 Gerald D. Aurbach Award for Outstanding Translational Research of the Endocrine Society. She is President of the Society for Endocrinology (2022-2026).
(Marea Britanie)

Prof. dr. Romana Netea-Maier is an endocrinologist and full professor of Endocrine Tumors at the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She combines clinical work with innovative research focusing on the pathogenesis of endocrine tumors, their long-term consequences, and novel healthcare concepts to improve patient care.
She is co-founder and leader of Radboud University Medical Center of Expertise in Thyroid Carcinoma, recognized since 2013 by Dutch Ministry of Health Welfare and Sport. During her entire career she has focused on the organization of care for patients with endocrine tumors, particularly that of patients with thyroid carcinoma and pituitary tumors. An important part of her translational work has been dedicated to understanding the role of on the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of thyroid cancer, and its interplay with autophagy for cell survival, proliferation and dedifferentiation.
Furthermore, she has conducted studies on the long-term complications and consequences of acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome and thyroid cancer. In these studies, she has focused on quality of life and the vascular health and cardiovascular morbidity. Furthermore, she is involved in the Human Functional Genomics Project initiated at her institution in which she investigates the contribution of hormonal factors on the interplay between inflammation, microbiome and genome in healthy volunteers and patients with endocrine tumors. She collaborates with international top researchers in the field and participates in international consortia and guidelines committees, most importantly as current chair of Dutch Thyroid Carcinoma Guideline.
She is board member of several scientific societies and international committees, chair of European Thyroid Association Cancer Group and secretary of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Endocrine Tumors task force. Two of her publications have been awarded Best Publication of the year by the Dutch Endocrine Society (2018; 2023). She has authored more than 170 peer reviewed publications and is the recipient of several prestigious research grants.

“Professor Maurizio Nordio is an Italian specialist in Endocrinology with PhD in Endocrinological and Metabolic sciences.
For years he has focused on the study of the thyroid gland with particular regard to the effects of inositols on this glands. The result of these activities is a long series of scientific publications, more than 60, in national and international journals.
He worked at the Department of Experimental Medicine of the University of Rome "Sapienza", dealing with both basic and clinical research, and direct assistance to patients. Moreover, during this period he has fulfilled his didactic obligations by giving a series of lectures to students in Medicine and to residents in Endocrinology.
He lived for a long period abroad, at the University of Texas, in San Antonio and shorter periods in London and in Bulgaria, in Sofia, for research and study needs.
Moreover, the excellent communication skills have allowed Prof. Nordio to be invited very often to Congresses, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops around the world. He has won several awards as best speaker at various Congresses. In the field of scientific research he has won the first prize in the competition for the best line of scientific research called: "Premio Punta Ala", and he is also member of “The experts Group on Inositol in Basic and Clinical Research (EGOI)”.”
Maurizio NORDIO

My name is Anhelli Syrenicz. I was born April 3, 1959 in Kalisz Poland. I graduated from Pomeranian Academy of Medicine in Szczecin in 1983. Since October 1983, I have been employed as an academic teacher at the Department of Endocrinology of the Pomeranian Academy of Medicine in Szczecin. I was a senior assistant from 1990 to 2000. I became an assistant professor in November 2000. I have received the title of professor in October 2007. Since October 2007, I have been the Head of the Department of Endocrinology, Metabolic and Internal Diseases at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.
I am a specialist in: internal diseases, endocrinology, diabetology and nuclear medicine.
My scientific achievements include above 300 articles published in reviewed scientific papers and above 100 published abstracts from domestic and international symposiums. I was the editor of four Polish textbooks of endocrinology: “Endocrine diseases in pregnancy”, “Endocrinology in everyday medical practice”, “Endocrinopathies in pregnancy” and "Outline of clinical endocrinology" . My scientific activity is focused on thyroid diseases, especially Graves` ophtalmopathy, iodine deficiency, etiopatogenesis of nodular goiter and sodium – iodine symporter; pituitary diseases, neuroendocrine tumors, endocrine diseases in pregnancy, obesity with metabolic consequences, bone mineral density especially in patients with Turner syndrome and in girls with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea and also on some aspects of hypertension.
I am a member of the following scientific societies: The Polish Society of Medical Doctors, Polish Thyroid Society (from 2017 as the President Polish Thyroid Society), Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine, Polish Society of Diabetology, Polish Endocrine Society, European Endocrine Society, European Thyroid Association and European Neuroendocrine Tumors Society.
Lectori români

Cornelia Gabriela Bala, MD, PhD, LL.B este medic primar și profesor de Diabet și Nutriție la Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Iuliu Hațieganu” din Cluj-Napoca. Are peste 70 de publicații în reviste de specialitate și este autor și coautor a 20 de capitole de carte și a 2 cărți. Principalele domenii de cercetare includ diabetul și complicațiile cardiovasculare și neurologice, biomarkerii și analiza metabolomică, cronobiologia și tulburările de somn, obezitatea, educația pacienților. Activează în calitate de președinte al Societății de Neuropatie Diabetică, director de comunicare al Federației Române de Diabet, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice, vicepreședinte al Asociației Române pentru Studiul Obezității, trezorier al Societății Române de Diabet, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice și vicepreședinte al Comisiei Consultative pentru Diabet la Ministerul Sănătății. Este licențiată în drept la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca și este implicată în inițiative de politici sanitare privind diabetul și obezitatea în România și la nivel european.
Cornelia Gabriela BALA

Carmen BARBU

Dr Ruxandra Dobrescu este medic primar endocrinolog, cercetător științific și doctor în științe medicale, cu o bogată activitate clinică, didactică și de cercetare. Aria de interes cea mai importantă o reprezintă diagnosticul si tratamentul cancerului tiroidian. Este absolventă a Facultății de Medicică și ulterior a Școlii Doctorale în cadrul UMF Carol Davila din București, a fost formată ca endocrinolog în Institutul Național de Endocrinologie CI Parhon și a parcus stagii de pregătire în cadrul Oxford University și Oxford Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism. Lucrează în prezent în cadrul clinicii Medlife, Centrul Medical Panduri, București.

Simona FICA


Coordonatorul Centrului Dedicat Pacienților cu Boli Inflamatorii Intestinale din UMF Craiova


Pascanu Ionela is specialized in Endocrinology and Medical Genetics, dedicating her scientific and research endeavours to these fields from the onset of her medical career. She has served as a Professor of Endocrinology since 2012 and presented her Habilitation Thesis in 2017. Her primary research interests include thyroid cancer, parathyroid disorders, rare diseases, and Pediatric Endocrinology. She has published over 50 articles in ISI journals with impact factors, authored six specialty books, and co-authored ten others, including one with a prestigious international publishing house. Her extensive publication list also includes numerous articles in B+/BDI indexed journals and over a hundred abstracts in ISSN/ISBN volumes (ISI journals). Additionally, she is the elected president of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology (SRE).
Ionela Pascanu accumulated more than twenty years of experience in the field of Endocrinology and Genetics and one of the main concerns in her activity was and still is the continuous urge for multidisciplinary research with close collaboration with other centres from Romania and abroad.


Dr. Poiana is currently Professor of Endocrinology, Head of the “C.I.Parhon” Department of Endocrinology and Vice-Rector of the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, and President of the College of Physicians in Bucharest, Romania.
She received her medical degree (1984) and her PhD (1998) from “Carol Davila” UMPh. She is Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology since 2005, Full Faculty for the International Courses of Clinical Densitometry organized by ISCD since 2006; and Faculty for IOF-ISCD International Course - Osteoporosis: Essentials of Densitometry, Diagnosis and Management since 2012.
Her research interest covers areas as: osteoporosis, menopause, ageing and endocrine tumors.
She has more than 25 years of expertise in the field of Medical Teaching and Research and is author and coauthor in more than 250 publications in national and international peer-reviewed journals. She is Associate Editor of Acta Endocrinologica - The International Journal of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology, but also serves as Member in the Editorial Board of Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism, and The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Dr. Poiana is Immediate-Past President of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology, Founder and Vice-President of the Romanian Association for the Study of Neuroendocrine Tumours and Member in good standing in many national and international Scientific Societies. She served as Member of ESE Congress Committee since 2015, and as Member in the ISCD Board of Directors between 2011- 2014.
Dr. Poiana is member of the AACE since 2003, served as Member in the AACE International Committee 2011-2012 Association year and as President of the Romanian AACE Chapter. She received the ”Certificate of Recognition” for service and dedication with the development of the Romanian Chapter of AACE at the AACE Annual Congress in 2012, 2015 and 2017.
She received “John Bilezikian’s ISCD Global Leadership Award” in 2009 for distinguished service and leadership in the global promotion of the field of bone densitometry and ISCD, ”2014 In Appreciation of her Dedication and Services to the International Society for Clinical Densitometry, ISCD Board of Directors”, but also The 2016 American College of Endocrinology (ACE) International Clinician Award.
Cătălina POIANĂ

- Associate professor of Endocrinology at “George Emil Palade” UMPhST of Targu-Mures
- Consult in Endocrinology at Mures County Hospital, Targu-Mures
- European Certification in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism – 2019 (endorsed by ESE and UEMS )
- Endocrinological ultrasound - 2010
- Pediatric Endocrinology – 2018
- Public Health Master Program, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca – 2021
- PhD in Medicine – 2014
- Medicine graduate, “George Emil Palade” UMPhST of Targu-Mures – 2005
- 33 articles
- 3 books
- 3 research grants
- Auxological Society
- Pediatric Endocrinology
- Auxology
- Obesity
- Epidemiology
Raluca POP

Dr. Cristina Preda is currently Professor of Endocrinology, Head of the Department of Endocrinology of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Grigore T. Popa” and Head of the Endocrinology Clinic of the University Hospital “St. Spiridon”, Iasi, Romania. She received her medical degree and her PhD from “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Her research interests cover area as: PCOS, thyroid pathology, GH disorders. Author and co-author of 20 books and 55 articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals. She is member of the Board of Romanian Society of Endocrinology since 2014 and Vice-President since 2017.
Cristina PREDA


Doamna profesor Stoian Dana este medic primar endocrinolog, cu supraspecializare in ecografie generala, ecografie endocrina si sexologie. Activeaza ca si endocrinolg in cadrul Ambulatorului de Endocrinologie, Spitalul de Obstetrica Ginecologie Bega, parte a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Pius Branzeu din Timisoara. Activitatea medicala este centrata pe patologia diagnostica tiroidiana, paratiroidiana, mamara, ginecologica endocrina si medicina sexualitatii. Este parte a Centrului de Educatie in Ecografie afilliat WFUMB, organizand in calitate de director de curs numeroase cursuri postuniversitare in domeniul ecografiei endocrine, ecografiei mamare, elastografiei, sub egida societati Europene de Ecografie EFSUMB. Este parte din expertii si lectorii EDUSON. A sustinut in calitate de speaker invitat prelegeri legate de ecografia endocrina in tara si strainatate, insumand peste 150 de prezentari orale. Din perspectiva academica doamna profesor Stoian a editat 10 monografii in calitate de autor, 19 capitole de carti, dintre care 8 din Europa, fiind autoarea a peste 120 de articole indexate WOS, cu un factor cumulat de impact de 154, respectiv un IH=17. Din perspectiva manageriala doamna profesor este membra a comisiilor medicale ARACIS , CNATDCU, membra in Comisia Consultativa a Ministerului Sanatatii si in boardul Societatii Romane de Endocrinologie.

Medic Primar Diabet, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice
Președinte al Societății Române de Diabet, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice
Seful Clinicii Diabet, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice, Spitalul Județean de Urgență Timișoara
Profesor universitar, Decan al UMF Victor Babeș Timișoara
Bogdan TIMAR


Sef Lucrari Doctor Ana-Maria Vintila, medic primar Cardiologie si Medicina Interna la Spitalul Clinic Coltea din Bucuresti si UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti, Doctor in Stiinte Medicale cu teza de doctorat “Activarea endotelială și corelația sa cu disfuncția diastolică ventriculară stângă la pacienți cu hipertensiune arterială esențială sau/și diabet zaharat tip 2”, fost presedinte al grupului de lucru Hipertensiune Arteriala din cadrul Societatii Romane de Cardiologie, lector invitat la manifestari stiintifice nationale si internationale, cu preocupari in domeniul obezitatii, sindromului metabolic, diabetului zaharat, preventiei cardio-vasculare.

Current positions:
Professor of Endocrinology at “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara,
Senior Physician and Head of the Department of Endocrinology, “Pius Brinzeu” Emergency County Hospital Timisoara.
She graduated from University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş” Timisoara in 1992 and completed her PhD thesis in 2005, at the same university. She became specialist physician in endocrinology in 1999 and senior physician in endocrinology in 2003. She was Assistant Professor in Endocrinology at “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara between 1999 and 2011, Lecturer in Endocrinology, 2011- 2016, and Assoc. Professor between 2016-2019, at the same university.
Dr. Mihaela Vlad is member of various national and international societies: Romanian Society of Endocrinology, Romanian Society of Psyhoneuroendocrinology, Romanian Society of Ultrasonography in Medicine and Biology, European Society of Endocrinology, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.
Dr. Mihaela Vlad is author of 45 original papers published in peer-reviewed journals, co-authored for 17 books in the field of endocrinology and over 250 communications.
She was principal investigator for 2 clinical studies and study coordinator for 9 studies in the field of osteoporosis and adult GH deficiency. She was involved in 3 research projects in the field of endocrinology.
Main areas of interest are represented by thyroid imaging - ultrasonography and elastography, thyroid dysfunctions during pregnancy, thyroid autoimmunity, and diagnostic evaluation in parathyroid pathology.
Mihaela VLAD

Prof. Ioana Zosin este licențiată în medicină la Universitatea de Medicină din Timișoara (1973). S-a specializat în endocrinologie în 1981, fiind profesor titular din anul 1995.
Teza de doctorat privește „Studii umorale și ale autoimunității celulare din boala autoimună tiroidiană” (Conducător științific acad. Stefan Milcu -1982).
Domeniile de competență clinice și științifice, se referă la bolile tiroidiene autoimune, oftalmopatia tiroidiană, disfuncția tiroidiană indusă de amiodaronă, etc.
A condus studii și proiecte de cercetare, lucrări de doctorat și este autoare sau coautoare a 10 manuale pentru studenți, 11 monografii (două bilingve, în colaborare cu autori străini) și a peste 100 de lucrări științifice.
A fost speaker la EFES (2002, 2004), ETA (2007) și ESE (2010). A
inițiat schimburi de experiență și cooperare cu universități din Germania (München, Düsseldorf), Austria (Graz) și Elveția (Zürich, Berna).
A fost secretar științific al Universității (1990-1992), prodecan (1992-1996) și a inițiat acordul de colaborare cu Universitatea Tehnică din München. A fost președinte al Societății Române de Endocrinologie (2007-2009).
Este membră a Societății Europene de Endocrinologie, Societății Internaționale de Endocrinologie, Societății Germane de Endocrinologie, Societății Franceze de Endocrinologie și Societății Maghiare de Endocrinologie.
Doamna prof. Zosin reprezintă Societatea Română de Endocrinologie în Uniunea Europeană a Medicilor Specialiști - UEMS (din 2007), fiind în același timp membră a Academiei Române de Științe Medicale. La ora actuală este Președinte de Onoare al Societății Române de Endocrinologie.
Parteneri de DIAMANT

Parteneri de PLATINĂ

Parteneri de AUR

Parteneri de ARGINT

Parteneri de BRONZ


Parteneri MEDIA